SustainMobility adventure

Erasmus+ projects are full of experiences. Read Ceyda’s views on one of the youth exchanges which happened in Alanya, Turkey.


This summer I had the chance to be a part of the Project SustainMobility Adventure in Alanya. It was nice to meet and spend time with new people with different ideas and views. People, the Project, and overall experience is worth sharing and in this little article, I’ll be trying to tell how fun and pleasant the project was.


No excuse was so welcoming and warm. I had a great time chatting, and working on the stations in the Project together. I think in these kinds of projects, cultural exchange is an important aspect. And I learned so much about Slovenia’s culture, politics, and history. As someone who is a part of a youth association that encourages the active involvement of all young people in our country, I found No Excuse’s mission and the way they advocate for a healthy lifestyle for youth so important. I appreciate No Excuse’s work and was happy to learn more about it during the project. I made new lovely friends. Ema, Viliana, Neja, Leja, Lilia, Ana, Eda, Burçak, and Anamaria were so friendly and I’m so happy that our paths crossed in this exchange. If they are reading this, I’m sending big hugs and thanks for everything!


The Project was fun, and not too intense so we had time and energy left to go swimming and explore Alanya. My favorite part was the simulation because it caused a nice debate that was pretty educational. I learned so many things during these debates and simulations. Also, the first session was about cultural exchange. We had the task to do a podcast about how living in a different culture has both pros and cons. While recording the podcast we didn’t force ourselves and wrote dialogues, we just opened a conversation and discussed our experiences. It was a nice opportunity to listen to different views on this topic. So overall the Project went pretty well.


I think everyone had such a great time while exploring Alanya. We visited historical places like Alanya Castle and the Archeological museum. Also, we went swimming several times because summer in Alanya is really hot and the only refreshing thing you can do is to go to the beach. Last night we had a cultural night and it was pleasant. 


The Project SustainMobility Adventure made my summer even better and I enjoyed every minute of it. I hope that I gave a realistic view of our experience. So grateful that I had the chance to meet with all of the people and attend this lovely exchange.








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