A fingerprint which leaves a mark.We believe that every individual is an integral part of social identity and a cornerstone of a better world. This is symbolised by our emblem – the earth’s globe made from a fingerprint.
With this, we want to inspire and empower all young people who wish to co- create positive changes. We aim to show them that they are the ones who can begin to make the world a better place with their unique and unrepeatable personalities, their own will, energy, and desires. Our emblem reflects our story. We believe that the source of all positive change lies in dedicated, committed efforts to find answers for a better society and a better world, in the co-creating of which we all participate, with no excuses. Only together can we be committed to a higher purpose, to be aware as individuals, to be connected and united in seeking the common good, and to strive for well- being and good practices, which can only be achieved with a commitment to genuine sustainable progress and harmonious coexistence. We have only one planet, and in this ‘global village,’ everything we do as individuals leaves a mark, not only on the natural environment but also in every facet of society. Only we ourselves can be the ones who forge the path to change. We do this through our own engagement, by advancing our knowledge, and through active participation in changing negative (social) patterns and practices. That’s why a commitment that goes beyond words is important. That’s why a commitment that stems from the heart is important, one that can build a strong character for a lifetime. That’s why a commitment that leaves a real imprint on the world is important. We leave it in many important areas, areas full of challenges that are crucial for the personal development of young people, the strengthening of personal competencies, and for improving the state of society. We leave it with pride, for a better world, with no excuses.
A glimpse into a brighter future for each and everyone.
We are here with a purpose: to be the advocate of sustainable development among youth with an emphasis on health and environment. We want to provide young people in Slovenia with a well-established and comprehensive platform for activating and developing their own potential.
Empowering youth and achieving greatness in practice.
Youth network No Excuse Slovenia is a national youth organization in the public interest with a unique value system. We are actively engaged in resolving societal issues and have years of excellence in implementing competency models for young people, which are integrated in the interdisciplinary ‘No Excuse Method.’
No Excuse is more than just an organization.
It is an ever-evolving, peer-connecting platform of youth with potential, who wish to co-create change in the fields of health and environment and be a part of the solution to the challenges ahead.
The organization operates on two levels:
● developing of personal competencies of young people and unlocking their potential, and
● transferring the necessary knowledge, experiences, and skills through the implementation of effective, long-term programs aimed at reducing health inequalities, increasing health and environmental literacy, and promoting active citizenship.
Youth network No Excuse Slovenia operates in accordance with Sustainable development goals 2030 and is not financed by corporate entities.
We believe in the added value and in the highest values. Our values are:
Our history
Youth Association No Excuse was established on 7 July 2006 by Ana Lasić (born Luin), Petra Fabiani (born Merčun) and Jan Peloza.
Over the years, the activity of the organization has expanded throughout Slovenia, and new organizations joined the first association. That’s why on 11 September 2012, the Youth Network No Excuse Slovenia was established to unite all these organizations under one umbrella organization. Despite the network existing since 2012, we recognize the founding date of No Excuse Slovenia as 7 July 2006.
Since then, No Excuse Slovenia has reached over 130,000 young people, with its peer workshops in primary and secondary schools in Slovenia (in groups of up to 30 students), primarily addressing topics related to a healthy lifestyle and sustainable development.
During this time, we have trained over 400 young individuals who participated in our No Excuse Activists program, implemented numerous local, national, and international projects, and received several awards for our work with young people.
Areas of activity and engagement
We leave our mark in numerous important fields, which are filled with challenges that are important for the personal growth of young people, the strengthening of personal competencies, and improving society. That is why we leave it with pride, for a better world, with no excuses.
● Care for the environment: No Excuse Slovenia has been active in the field of climate change since 2009 and has since spread to the whole field of care for environment. We give a lot of attention to evaluating information and its sources and promoting critical thinking. We spread the acquired knowledge through workshops, presentations, seminars, education and projects among our members and the general public. We advocate for a healthy environment, waste reduction and reducing the ecological footprint.
● Challenges of present-day society: The central area of activity in No Excuse Slovenia is recognising and addressing the challenges we face daily in the local environment with the aim of creating positive social changes. Our members prepare and implement local initiatives across Slovenia with the assistance of experience leaders, mentors, and youth workers. Through it, they learn the basic steps of successfully completing a project. Our moto is: “criticize, suggest, act” – at No Excuse we encourage young people to take a step further and find solutions to the problems that they identified. We also strive to connect young people from different environments and numerous European regions through participation in international events, training, and educational programs.
● Health and preventive action: One of the cornerstones of No Excuse Slovenia is also the public health of young people and preventive action in this field. We implement this through creating and implementing effective preventive programs for young people in different areas. We focus on different areas: we advocate regular exercise and a healthy, balanced diet; spread awareness of the negative effects of active and passive smoking; and warn of the negative effects of alcohol, cannabis, and other drugs. We also encourage an open debate about issues related to teenage self- image, peer violence, self-harm and stress.
● Mental health: In the field of mental health, we are breaking new ground, since we are trying to implement the principles of effective preventive action into mental health problems in general, not only into addiction- related programs. We mostly focus on four main themes: self-image, peer violence, self-harm, and stress. In doing so, we collaborate with different experts and organizations to develop and design various preventive programs for youth, which we implement in Slovenian primary and secondary schools. In this field, members of our organization are getting increasingly involved – through completed programs, they become ambassadors of a healthy lifestyle and promoters of mental health among their peers.
● Addiction: In the field of addiction, No Excuse Slovenia has been active since 2006, particularly in the areas of tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis. The reason behind this is the widespread use of these substances among young people and strong manipulation by the industry. In these three areas, our activists raise awareness among pupils and student in primary and high schools through peer-lead workshops. All workshops have been created and supported by experts, so it is a combination of a professional background and peer approach. We also strive for change of policies in this area, for which we are actively fighting within various projects and collaborations with other non-governmental organizations.
● Nutrition and exercise: We began to work in the area of nutrition in 2010 with the workshop Fitfest. Later, we broke down the extensive topic into sub-areas, through which we now develop further activities. We continuously collaborate with Slovene Consumers’ Association. We also emphasize the marketing strategies of the industry in this field, since they significantly influence the eating habits of young people and search for healthier eating alternatives in our environment.
● Sustainable development: In the recent years, Youth network No Excuse Slovenia has become increasingly active in the field of sustainable development. We take pride in working in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals 2030. We mostly focus on climate change, social impact, environment, and health, since we understand that human health is largely dependent on the environment and conditions in which one lives. At No Excuse, we focus on all three components of sustainable development: environment, society, and economy. We are trying to bring the topic closer to young people. We advocate for collaboration among governments, economy, non-governmental organizations, and the public, and wish to aim to influence economic development and the sustainable use of natural resources. We also advocate for sustainable and active mobility and encourage expert discussions on pressing global issues.
No excuse programs, prepared for youth to leave a mark in their own way
Our interdisciplinary and multi-level programs enable engagement in areas that interest young people the most and in a way that suits them best. We create and implement effective, engaging, and inspiring programs for young people from elementary school until employment (12 – 29 years).
No Excuse Activists – A program for high school students from 15 to 19 years of age.
The program is designed for high school students who want to actively change the world for the better. During the program, they become familiar with the fundamental aspects of youth participation, sustainable development, and public health. Young people learn to critically evaluate modern problems, suggest concrete solutions, and take action.
The program consists of different activities: Training and education, active participation in local community and beyond, international exchanges, and social events.
No Excuse Advocates – A program for university students from 19 to 24 years of age.
The program is designed for university students who want to actively change the world for the better. During the program, they become familiar with the fundamental aspects of youth participation, sustainable development, and public health. They learn to critically evaluate modern problems, suggest concrete solutions, and take action.
The program is an extension of the No Excuse Activists program and is tailored to an older age group. That’s why the knowledge delivery method, complexity, responsibilities, and practical work are more demanding and advanced. The program consists of different activities: training and education, active participation in local community and beyond, international exchanges, social events, guided reflective activities, and challenges where participants can use their acquired competencies in practice. It also involves searching for and reading expert articles, simulations, role-paying games, debates, project work, public speaking and advocacy, analysis and monitoring of current events, media and environmental needs, and reflection and evaluation.
No Excuse Academy – A program for young job seekers from 20 to 29 years of age.
No Excuse Academy is a three-week training program, where young job seekers gain new knowledge, competencies, social skills, and experiences. It makes the participants a sought-after talent for youth work.
It consists of practical and theoretical activities. The theoretical part includes self- improvement, effective prevention, youth health, youth work, and social marketing and active citizenship. The practical part includes conducting workshops for young people in a school or a youth centre with the help of mentors.
No Excuse Camps – Summer camps for young people in primary school from 12 to 15 years of age.
No Excuse Camps take place in the midst of pristine nature. The focus of the program is on health and environment, and the camp program is filled with content-rich workshops on these topics. During the camp, young people are equipped with skills for healthy leisure time activities in the areas of nutrition, physical activity, and mental health. There is also active work on developing skills to prevent addiction.
The camp strengthens the participant’s social skills and provides them with tools and competencies for a successful transition to high school and addresses the challenges of adolescence. It also leaves space for fun, socializing, and relaxation.
Mentors and Trainers – Internal programs which allow for continued contribution to the operation of the organization’s programs. The program Mentors allows the mentor to engage with various profiles of people. They can be the mentor of local units’ leaders, board members, youth workers, or others employed in the professional service. Mentors are a valuable source of information for their leaders. As guides, advisors, and friends, they inspire leaders to achieve their goals. At the same time, leaders, with their open- mindedness and different perspectives, can contribute to the exploration of new ideas and solutions that are important to the mentor. The program Trainers is intended for trainers of soft skills. Through the program, individuals interested in the role of a trainer are equipped to conduct trainings, workshops, and other activities within and outside of the organization. These are individuals responsible for implementing informal education, upholding the values of youth work and the organization, and fulfilling the organization’s mission. A trainer takes on various roles (simultaneously or sequentially): planner and implementer, trainer, facilitator, moderator, strategic planner, author of materials and teaching aids, consultant, mentor, and coach.
Professional programs – For schools and peer workshops in schools. Youth Network No Excuse Slovenia has been conducting various workshops for primary and high school students since 2006. Together with numerous partner organizations, we focus on promoting a healthy lifestyle and responsible attitude toward the environment. We encourage quality leisure time activities and aim to empower young people for a smoother transition into adulthood. We offer a wide range of workshops to schools, providing adolescents with knowledge and skills through informal education. We aim to help them grow into healthy, responsible, and active citizens. Our instructors, well-trained young individuals, youth leaders, and youth workers, regularly undergo training in their respective fields of work, which enables them to offer interactive workshops to young people and address their questions on various topics covered by the workshops.
Local units No Excuse are an entry point through which young people can join our programs.
Within local units, project work meetings take place. All Slovenian local units gather multiple times a year at events organized by the Youth Network No Excuse Slovenia.
The following local units are part of Youth Network No Excuse Slovenia: No Excuse Celje, No Excuse Kranj, No Excuse Ljubljana, No Excuse Maribor, No Excuse Murska Sobota, No Excuse Nova Gorica, No Excuse Novo Mesto, No Excuse Obala (Coast), No Excuse Postojna, and No Excuse Zasavje.
Youth Network No Excuse is the most frequently awarded non-governmental (youth) organization in the field of health and environment in Slovenia.
Among other awards, we have received the following:
● NCD Alliance: Sharjah Award for Excellence in NCD Civil Society Action – An award for fight against chronic non communicable diseases (2020)
● UNESCO – Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development – shortlisted (2019) ● World Health Organization: World No Tobacco Day Award (2019)
● European Commission: EU Health Awards for NGOs – shortlist of winners (2018)
● Association of European Cancer Leagues: Young Public Health Professional Award (2017)
● European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention: Award for Outstanding contribution to Tobacco Control in Europe (2016)
● Office for Youth, Republic of Slovenia: An award for quality and successful work in the field of youth work over an extended period (2015)
● European Commission: Best European Youth Project in the category of youth meetings with decision-makers and policymakers (2015)
● Public Fund for Human Resources Development and Scholarships: Sustainable Development Awards (2011)
Others about us
● Nassim Djaba, President of No Excuse Slovenia, former senator of the University of Primorska: I joined No excuse in 2006 as a green high school student. During my growing up at No Excuse, I gained a lot of knowledge, but also a second family, who stands by me for better or for worse. Without No Excuse, I would never have achieved as much in my life, from the viewpoint of ambitiousness and support as well. Once a No Excuser, always a No Excuser. #NoExcuse4Life
● Nina Rogelj Peloza, Vice President for Sustainable Development at The National Youth Council of Slovenia: No Excuse is an organization which shaped me into the person I am today. When I was accepted into the organization, I came into an environment of young people, who wished to leave behind a better world. Through projects and countless fun work weekends, I met loads of like-minded peers and acquired knowledge and skills I could not acquire elsewhere. To this day, I still remember international youth exchanges that I participated in as a No Excuse activist. To get the chance to travel the whole Europe and more, meet peers from other countries, and have fun while acquiring new experiences and knowledge – no one should miss this. 🙂
● Luka Vitez, Internal Medicine Physician at University Medical Centre (UKC) Ljubljana: No Excuse makes sure that every individual has the appropriate structure and support to develop their personal and social potential. Being a member of this organization helped me a lot.
● Luka Keserič, EYCA Youth Panel member and former leader of No Excuse Slovenia: No Excuse is a family that accepts you for who you are and stands by your side in the process of growing up and discovering yourself and the world. What I like the most is that here, young people learn the responsibility of changing the world for the better.
● Urška Erklavec, former President of No Excuse Slovenia, currently employed at the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia: No Excuse activists are young people who are not afraid to think differently, and who constantly learn to critically evaluate information from their surroundings. In the organization there are a lot of young experts, who are highly knowledgeable in various fields, so I will always recommend them to other young people and support them with my own knowledge and experience.
● Tjaša Deu, TEDx speaker, strategist for the development of YouTube channels, influencer, entrepreneur: When I was in my teenage years and my personality was most significantly shaping, Program No Excuse gave me a safe space for growth and development. Through socializing and workshops, I developed rhetorical skills and in practice learned what active citizenship is. I give great credit to No Excuse for my self-confidence, openness to new, crazy ideas (and implementing those!), and the desire for public speaking and sharing knowledge.
● Sinja Čož, Research assistant at Centre for Social Psychology, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences: Personally, organization No Excuse represented a place, where I could develop myself as a person in the full meaning of the word. In the organization, there was no scarcity of challenges, through which I learned to solve problems better; interesting lectures, which broadened my knowledge; activities, through which I not only developed my skills, but also learned to pass on knowledge; trips to unknown and interesting places; and last but not least, there was never a shortage of people, with whom I shared laughter and tears, and who always took me seriously, even when I did not. Even today, from the time when I was a young activist in ‘No Excuse,’ I still have an indescribable feeling that I matter and can always contribute positively to making society better.
● Dr. Blaž Gasparini, Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Atmospheric and Climate Science, University of Washington, Seattle, USA: We all criticize and talk about all the injustices in this world, but we stop at the criticism. But No Excuse offers you an environment that helps you overcome mere criticism and pushes you into action. At the same time, teamwork in daring and ambitiously planned projects gives you a chance of working and socializing with other great people from Slovenia, Europe, and the whole world.
● Manca Kozlovič, singer and former Vice President of No Excuse: When I think of No Excuse, I get an association with endless experiences, which have become a great part of my life and myself. Through the many years of socializing with incredible people, knowledge, and experience, which No Excuse gave me, I developed a different view of the world, one that is more developed. It went something like this: I first saw the world in a different light and then saw how each and every individual can change it into something better. Not just for their own benefit, but also for everyone else, and those who come after us.
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Mladinska zveza Brez izgovora Slovenija – Youth Network No Excuse Slovenia
Slovenska cesta 56, 1000 Ljubljana
Tax number: 84445211
Identification number: 4045963
IBAN: SI56 6100 0001 9252 616 (Delavska hranilnica)