Tasks and subtasks with Freedcamp

We have been using Freedcamp for several years and here is our review.

Freedcamp is a web-based, mobile, and desktop system for project management and collaboration for teams.

We carry out several and very different projects and Freedcamp enables us to track the progress of these projects through several years of their execution. It is very valuable to us that we can split a single task into several tasks and allocate these subtasks to different users and set different deadlines, but at the same time we have everything in one place. It also gives us a good and quick overview on project’s progress. 

We very much like the filtering option in calendar view, because we can get a good monthly overview of tasks in one or several projects and/or people assigned to them. The platform has also showed us its value when HR changes occurred, because it has been a good tool during the onboarding processes and enabled us to introduce our ongoing projects to new employees faster. 

We also like the automated notifications about the approaching deadlines (very useful!) and that each user can edit their notifications’ settings and adjust them for their specific use (for example, a user can have full notifications in one project and almost none in another).

Some of our employees stated that for them Freedcamp is not intuitive and user-friendly enough. As we have many different projects, we cannot use project templates, therefore the initial set up of a project and its tasks requires quite some time investment. As with any other new tool, it takes some time to learn how to use it.

It would be great if we could set up different font sizes and colors for tasks and subtasks, in order to divide them better and make the project overview more appealing to a profile of people with more artistic and creative tendencies.

During the several years of use we’ve had different users of Freedcamp and we realized that a project management platform can do a lot for you if the initial data you enter is of a good enough quality. We had very good and very bad users, so we would summarize that a platform is only as good as the user is. We also need to admit that we have not yet exploited all of the possibilities that Freedcamp offers.




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